About CV Inve$t 2020

The 2020 Investor Symposium at Coachella Valley Inve$t is packed with information intended to help investors in their commercial real estate dealings. 

The forum connects a community of local experts, vendors and suppliers with an end goal to enhance the value of commercial real estate transactions in the Coachella Valley.


Become a Sponsor Today!

This is the premier event in the Coachella Valley for the commercial real estate industry, and we are looking for sponsors! To become a sponsor, complete the form below!

Sponsorship levels

Presenting - $10,000

Presenting - $10,000

Presenting - $10,000


Sponsorship includes: 8 foot booth, ten (10) admission tickets, name on table in preferred location, logo in program, prominent placement in advertising, onstage advertising and 5 minutes to speak

Speaker - $6,000

Presenting - $10,000

Presenting - $10,000


Sponsorship includes: 8 foot booth, ten (10) admission tickets, name on table in preferred location, logo in program, prominent placement in advertising, banner on speaker podium and 5 minutes to speak.

Bag Sponsor - $2,500

Parking Sponsor - $2,000

Parking Sponsor - $2,000


Sponsorship includes: 400 bags to be provided for event, five (5) admission tickets and half-page ad in program.

Parking Sponsor - $2,000

Parking Sponsor - $2,000

Parking Sponsor - $2,000


Sponsorship includes: 8 foot booth, five (5) admission tickets, and flyer delivered to every attendee in giveaway bag. 

Platinum - $1,500

Parking Sponsor - $2,000

Platinum - $1,500


Sponsorship includes: 6 foot booth, ten (10) admission tickets, name on table in preferred location, and logo in program.

Gold - $800

Badge Sponsor - $750

Platinum - $1,500


Sponsorship includes: 6 foot booth, five (5) admission tickets and logo in program.

Badge Sponsor - $750

Badge Sponsor - $750

Badge Sponsor - $750


Sponsorship includes: five (5) admission tickets and logo in program

Bronze - $500

Badge Sponsor - $750

Badge Sponsor - $750


Sponsorship includes: 6 foot table, two (2) admission tickets and logo in program.

City Sponsor - $350

Business Partner - $300

Business Partner - $300


Sponsorship includes: 6 foot booth, two (2) admission tickets and logo in program. 

Sponsorship limited to cities in Coachella Valley.

Business Partner - $300

Business Partner - $300

Business Partner - $300


Sponsorship includes: two (2) admission tickets and logo in program.

Ticket Purchases

Contact us for more details on ticket sales by clicking

on the "Contact Us" tab!